Most commonly used SIME RainGun Models for Irrigation/ Landscape
Vedant Italian Rain-guns has been giving farmers superior results when used with:
- Groundnut
- Onion
- Potato
- Vegetables
- Sugarcane
- Fodder
- Cotton
- Medical Plants
- Chilies
- Wheat
- Soya bean
- Gram
- Nurseries
- Floriculture
Advantages of Vedant Sime Rain Guns for Irrigation

- Saves Water, Labour and Time
- Half to One Acre coverage from one position
- Part Circle/ Full Circle rotation facility
- Droplet Size Management
- Zero Maintenance
- Cool and clean plants -give higher yields of better quality
- Very Useful- in land preparation for timely sowing
- Avoids Salination- caused by over-irrigation and thus maintains soil productivity.
- Very Energy Efficient- requires only 2-3 Kg/cm2 Water pressure.
- Portable- Can be used with portable or permanent system of underground PVC or portable HDPE/ Alu.Sprinkler pipes.
- Very Economical- 10 Acre portable installation costs only Rs. 20,000 to. 25,000/- if the farmer has underground PVC mains & suitable pumpset. One portable Rain-gun setup suffices for entire farm